WDR TV – Shadows of Kilforth Review
WDR Bronze
Loving myself some good old rollicking fantasy adventures the opportunity for a bit of wander in a new world beset with shadows and orrible beasties was just too much of a temptation to avoid. Shadows of Kilforth is the sequel and stand-alone expansion to Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game. It is a game of high […]
Stak Bots Purple Expansion
WDR Silver
Stak Bots is something of a family affair, it’s a series that has grown up with my kids it was Ollie my now teenage son’s first board game crush. It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since I first encountered its malevolent little robotic gits at the now-defunct Chi-Con on a cold December morning. […]
Critters Below
Critters Below is the latest from Antler Games those bloody nice chaps who let us play in their post apocalyptic sandbox with Saltlands last year. Well now their back with a game of bunker survival with some not so cute and fluffy friends. You and up to 8 players (with both sets) can take cover […]
51st State Master Set
WDR Silver
So a quick history lesson for you, everyone got their pens and notepads ready? 51st state was the precursor to Imperial Settlers which subsequently was the remake of this game. Thematically they are entirely different beasts Settlers abounds with cutesy Romans and cuddly Barbarians while 51st State wallows in its grim, dark post-apocalyptic future of […]
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
You battled through Mirkwood with barely a scratch, but now things are looking bad. Aragorn took a few lumps from the hill troll, and several smaller allies fell by the wayside; a Northern Tracker and a Snowborn Scout. Tragically, you never learnt their names. Now you travel down the Anduin river, hoping to regroup while […]
Stak Bots – Red Expansion
Stak Bots has been a part of the WDR furniture since I first started writing reviews, it’s grown up with us and is still the filler of choice for Son No.1. Not that he’d admit that in public these days, being a teenager he’s far more interested in that poster of Katie Perry, oh dear. […]
Side Quest
The dungeon crawling card game genre has proved popular of late the excellent Welcome to the Dungeon and riotous Cutthroat Caverns both spring to mind. They’ve proved hugely successful by each having a great hook. Welcome is a silly push your luck filler whereas Cutthroat is all about screwage of your fellow dungeon companions. These […]