Posts Tagged ‘SeaFall’

Who Dares News – Friday 20th March

by Mike Bon March 20, 2015
A solar eclipse is happening today, about now. Across the UK legions of school children have been working furiously on pinhole cameras so as to watch this dazzling intergalactic event without fear of burning a hole through the backs of their heads. Simultaneously  groups of strange bearded gentlemen have thronged to Stonehenge garbed in tea-towels […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 10 – The Bumper Birthday Episode

by Mike Bon August 9, 2014
This has been to the wire, i’m about to go off on a weeks holiday and I wanted to get this out before I went. Cue some late night edits and early mornings panics, but I just managed it. OK so some big announcements here this is the promised bumper episode that runs to a […]

Risk Legacy

by Mike Bon July 2, 2014
WDR Gold Essential
A one of a kind gaming experience, this is a game you will return too again and again until you've exhausted all of this amazing boxes hidden delights. And then you can just stare at it and remember all the fun you had getting there.

Who Dares Rolls Board Gaming News This Week

by Mike Bon July 1, 2014
Hello and indeed welcome to another randomly punctual edition of the Who Dares Rolls News. Bringing you a generous scoop of what has tickled our interest over the past few days topped with a vigorous shake of sprinkles brimming with delight of stuff hitting our tables soon. Think of it as a big drippy sundae […]

The Board Gaming News in the middle of the week.

by Mike Bon May 14, 2014
Hot of the presses is the very exciting news that Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau recently turned up at a protospiel event with an interesting item wrapped in plastic. They demoed an early prototype for Pandamic Legacy. Now this subject was only recently discussed on the Plaid Hat Podcast episode #134, little did those shrewd […]

Farewell 2013 Hello 2014

by Mike Bon December 26, 2013
I hope you all have been enjoying a restful and fun break spent playing lots of games with your nearest and dearest. And now in these last few days left to this year lets stretch out on the sofa to pick over the turkey carcass of 2013, whilst sorting through the tin of Quality Street […]

SeaFall A Legacy Game

by Mike Bon September 24, 2013
Plaid Hat Games (Summoner Wars, Mice & Mystics) have just announced the official title of the next game by Rob Daviau, SeaFall. Rob was the designer behind Risk Legacy which introduced in my opinion one of the greatest additions to board games in years, the Legacy system. You can read my review of Risk legacy […]