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SeaFall A Legacy Game

by on September 24, 2013


Plaid Hat Games (Summoner Wars, Mice & Mystics) have just announced the official title of the next game by Rob Daviau, SeaFall. Rob was the designer behind Risk Legacy which introduced in my opinion one of the greatest additions to board games in years, the Legacy system. You can read my review of Risk legacy Here, done? good so yes the Legacy system that allowed the game to alter and change as you played it was just utter genius, me and the group just played the heck out of Risk needing to know what was coming next, and loving each new surprise.

I don’t know what Hasbro where thinking letting Rob go but I’m gad that Plaid Hat could see how amazing his Legacy system was, I can’t wait to see what he comes up with when not shackled by the Risk mechanics. And Plaid Hat are quickly becoming a real force on the gaming scene, I love their output so far and they have proven they are no slouch when it comes to delivering sweet games with all the bells and whistles.

SeaFall is a 4X game (explore,expand,exploit and exterminate) set in the age of sail in an alternative world to ours, chock full of empire building, war,trade and all wrapped up with the expanding game altering rules of legacy, man i’m so first in line for this.

2014 cannot come soon enough for me, this is going to take some beating for my game of next year.

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