Posts Tagged ‘SeaFall’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 39 – SeaFall (to the bitter end)

by Mike Bon February 20, 2017
Spoiler warning this episode contains massive game destroying, nerd rage inducing spoilers to the game, its mechanics and the plot of SeaFall.  If you intend to play the game now or at some point in the future then you really probably don’t want to listen to this episode. If your still interested as to what […]


by Mike Bon February 16, 2017
A warning to passing travellers for your safety contained below within the secret passages is a deeper look into our SeaFall experience. Be warned these rarely trodden paths are treacherous and filled with the most heinous spoilers…OK look if you don’t want your SeaFall campaign to be ruined don’t click the bloody things, just so […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 38 – Eventually

by Mike Bon January 26, 2017
Well shiver our timbers after more delays then South West Rail the latest podcast episode is finally here. We look back on some games from last year, have a think about what delights might well be of interest in 2017 and ponder life the universe and everything as we answer a question from Tony Boydell. […]

Review Wars!

by Mike Bon December 19, 2016
This week I’ve taken part in a new segment that Michael May has created on his You Tube channel Toucan Play that Game. Its called Review Wars and he invited some of us reviewer types to submit a video that you our wonderful audience can take a look at and decide which of us is […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 37 – Seafall/Scythe and Hype in Boardgames

by Mike Bon November 28, 2016
The boys return with a fresh new episode of the podcast. Following the “technical difficulties” following the last episode a sufficient amount of sellotape was attached to Mike’s microphone cord to avoid any further “technical difficulties”. In this rambunctious wollop of entertainment: We discuss what we’ve been playing including Eric Lang’s latest H.M.S. Dolores and […]

Who Dares Rolls TV Episode 3 – Secret Hitler

by Mike Bon September 20, 2016
What can only be considered as ‘on a roll’ we’ve produced another You Tube video. Yes WDR TV episode 3. And in this rambunctious episode we contemplate Seafall and the lack of love for this long awaited title. Poke at the dark underbelly of Kickstarter with a peak at Vengeance and Gods Strateg. And finally […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 29 – There and back again and back again…

by Mike Bon February 11, 2016
Its a new year! And we’re late of course. Yes in the usual timely and zip zippity speed in which we like to do these things, here is the fashionably late 2015 look back and what’s cooking in 2016 discussion. We discuss favourite moments of gaming in 2015, the games we enjoyed the most and […]

Who Dares News on February 10th

by Mike Bon February 10, 2016
Well hello there. Its been a while but as there has been such an abundance of news nay an avalanche of the stuff, it’s all over the place clogging up my mailbox and spilling out all over the door mat making a terrible mess. I’ve been sweeping it into a corner but now I’ve lost […]

The Chronicles Series – A New Legacy For Board Games.

by Mike Bon August 2, 2015
Change is good. Words I’m sure Rob Daviau lives by, if you are unaware of the revolutionary steps Rob has made in gaming then you’ve been missing out. Back in 2011 he brought Risk Legacy to our tables and for me this was one of the most exciting developments to come to tabletop gaming in […]

Who Dares News July 28th.

by Mike Bon July 28, 2015
Whoa, so its been like a while since the last news update which is more to do with my Dude like slovenliness than any particular news related drought. So to make up for that here’s a substantial downfall of news bits to moisten your parched areas. Board game cafes. So there are none and then […]