Posts Tagged ‘podcast’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 29 – There and back again and back again…

by Mike Bon February 11, 2016
Its a new year! And we’re late of course. Yes in the usual timely and zip zippity speed in which we like to do these things, here is the fashionably late 2015 look back and what’s cooking in 2016 discussion. We discuss favourite moments of gaming in 2015, the games we enjoyed the most and […]

Who Dares News on February 10th

by Mike Bon February 10, 2016
Well hello there. Its been a while but as there has been such an abundance of news nay an avalanche of the stuff, it’s all over the place clogging up my mailbox and spilling out all over the door mat making a terrible mess. I’ve been sweeping it into a corner but now I’ve lost […]

So the end is near…

by Mike Bon December 25, 2015
Yep old 2015 is already tearing down the tinsel and wrapping up warm for the January sales, coz you know, more games are always needed. It’s been a wild ride, Season 2 of Who Dares Rolls has been a blast and while personally I haven’t gotten everything I wanted to be done this year we’ve […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast 28 “A Very Grumpy Christmas”

by Mike Bon December 14, 2015
It being the season of goodwill and all that nonsense. We have gathered together the finest curmudgeons that the Board Game industry has to offer for an alternative take on this most jolly of seasons. So settle yourself down for our “Very Grumpy Christmas” episode of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. Mark Rivera designer of […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon November 2, 2015
A game of looming horror, by Ephidiah Ravachol and woodelf. Review by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn Horror movies are tricky beasts to replicate in games. Zombies!!! replicates the look of horror by turning a zombie apocalypse into an arcade game. Dead of Winter presents interesting moral dilemmas but we all turn into cold sociopaths when it’s only […]

Who Dares News – 25 September 2015

by Mike Bon September 25, 2015
Games… Well, there isn’t a huge lot. Being as we are on the doorstep of Essen news nuggets are in shorter supply than a reliable Volkswagon. However, one title coming up at the fair and something that we will be getting the opportunity of looking at in detail very soon is Race to the North […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast 25 The Top Ten Lists Part 2

by Mike Bon August 28, 2015
List Part 2. Of the list, you know the bloody list! And some other stuff. Who Dares Rolls yay! This is all.

Who Dares Rolls Express 03 – Smoke & Mirrors

by Mike Bon August 13, 2015
Hello and welcome to another light nibble of podcast goodness. In this episode of the Who Dares Rolls Express Charlie briefly discusses his RPG articles for D&D 5th edition and I conduct an interview with Chip Beauvais about his new game Smoke & Mirrors, a bluffing card game of dueling magicians, think of it a […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast – Episode 24 – Making A List Part 1

by Mike Bon August 7, 2015
Well you asked for it… Well some of you asked for it. Here’s part one of our top ten list’s. Yes in the time honored tradition of board game podcasts we’ve finally succumbed to the mounting pressure and made a list, due to the extant of the waffling in this episode expect a cliffhanger of […]

Who Dares Rolls Express 01

by Mike Bon July 24, 2015
  Now here’s a thing, as long time followers of the site will know our podcast release schedule is at best sporadic. There is a glimmer of light, a more rigid monthly release schedule is coming but for the time being I present the next best thing. Drum roll please, the Who Dares Rolls Express […]