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Who Dares Rolls Express 01

by on July 24, 2015


Now here’s a thing, as long time followers of the site will know our podcast release schedule is at best sporadic. There is a glimmer of light, a more rigid monthly release schedule is coming but for the time being I present the next best thing. Drum roll please, the Who Dares Rolls Express Podcast Ta Da!! This is a condensed version of the main show, mushed down into a itty bitty running time like a tin of podcast spam. This format will allow me to get out cool stuff like designer interviews and any goodies that can’t wait for me to assemble the full force and will also save bloating the already corpulent regular episodes. Think of them as the band aid to the spurting wound that is our normal haphazard release schedule.

4e86b9463b651acb390e5fb67e3d192f_originalSo here we are with our premier episode and what a doozy it is, I’m joined by Millie from Geek On Radio and Lee from Dice Portsmouth to discuss Board Game Cafes, this is even more pertinent when you see Lee currently has a Kickstarter running for his cafe Dice Portsmouth and Millie is launching hers this Friday at 7pm Dice & Donuts.

DWRK1FJVSo in the hope to keep our fingers on the board game pulse and obviously to support some local talent indulge us for half an hour out of your busy day and lets get to the bottom of those questions that are wafting about the room like a dog fart.



Also, because you can’t get enough of new and good stuff. You might notice something a little different about this episode as it features our new theme tune, like it, loathe it. Let me know and if you have any other burning desires or questions then fire them at us as well. And speaking of questions…

Coming up in episode 24…

We do our first list, yep as requested on the BGG guild page by Freakydemon me and the team have been composing our lists of our top ten games ever!! There will be blood and probably quite a few of the team at full salute.

Figfan13nWe’re also starting our new game book, we’re off to the desolate wastes of the apocalypse in Ian Livingstone’s Freeway Fighter, prepare yourself for some bad accents.

Thank the gods that I don’t have to attempt to pronounce anymore Japanese words.

So yes a bumper crop of content is on the way.


Don’t forget to go and back those lovely cafes the more we get out there the more people are going to see the need for them, and there may be the chance of one coming to your home town.

Right i’m off stay frosty Gregg’s.









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