Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 17 – Star Wars Imperial Assault
A new year and a new episode. In this we discuss and delve into Fantasy Flights new Star Wars themed dungeon crawler Star Wars Imperial Assault. Discussed are Roll For The Galaxy,Imperial Settlers, Son’s Of Anarchy and Larping! We un-box a game that only Ben could find interesting Primo the game of prime numberszzzz. Ugh […]
Who Dares News On 2nd February 2015
Greetings Greg’s Been a while since we did one of these and as Stuff! has occurred or is about to, I thought it was a suitable calm in the storm of the gaming teacup to stop for a quiet moment of contemplation and hit you all up with whats new and what we have coming […]
Imperial Settlers
WDR Gold Essential
My first introduction to Civ games was the granddaddy of em all Sid Meir’s Civilization. And oh my! have I whiled away countless hours chasing that next wonder or shiny new tech, its like historical crack. I’ve circled Fantasy Flights lavish board game adaptation like a seagull over a ham sandwich but I just couldn’t […]
So long 2014 thanks for all the dice.
Whoa! (In full Keanu Reeves Matrix mode) and like poop from a lubed gooses backside 2014 has up and shot past us, really this year has been a blur, probably taking the analogy to its limits a smear, sorry. So as we sit here on the edge of tomorrow with 2015 beckoning us like a […]
Board Game News 17 October 2014
Its been a month since I last posted a news update you’ll never accuse us of having our fingers on the pulse here at WDR Towers, so with our usual sluggishness and sloth like efficiency lets take a well overdue delve into the carboardy underbelly of boardgames and see whats twitching out there to tantalize […]