Can board games scare you?
Halloween is my favourite time of year it’s like Christmas for us horror nuts. Inevitably the assortment of TV and movies rolled out to honour this grimly fun holiday are as disappointing as a wet fart in a pair of white undercrackers. Yet despite this every October there’s always a tantalising bit of excitement hoping […]
The Final Girl
I’m going to do a dick move by telling you all about an amazing game you probably can’t get, but the experience was so fun that I had to share it. The Final Girl is a tiny RPG book, teeny-tiny, but it’s full of so much potential. We were short a couple of the In-Fighters […]
A game of looming horror, by Ephidiah Ravachol and woodelf. Review by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn Horror movies are tricky beasts to replicate in games. Zombies!!! replicates the look of horror by turning a zombie apocalypse into an arcade game. Dead of Winter presents interesting moral dilemmas but we all turn into cold sociopaths when it’s only […]
City Of Horror
WDR Silver
City Of Horror is surprise surprise a zombie game, you’d have to have been living in a cave not to have noticed board game designers obsession with this genre. To be honest I find a majority of the zombie games on the market all a bit samey and at worse dull. I’ve played Zombies […]