Posts Tagged ‘board game hour’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 10 – The Bumper Birthday Episode

by Mike Bon August 9, 2014
This has been to the wire, i’m about to go off on a weeks holiday and I wanted to get this out before I went. Cue some late night edits and early mornings panics, but I just managed it. OK so some big announcements here this is the promised bumper episode that runs to a […]

Board Game News on Monday 21 July 2014

by Mike Bon July 21, 2014
Yikes! here we are again another week trundles by like a fat lad going downhill on a skateboard, which also means we’re another week closer to Gen Con, that time of year where everyone’s wallets get a lot lighter and our shelves a lot fuller. It also means that we are in that pre-Gen Con […]

Board Game News On Monday 7th July.

by Mike Bon July 7, 2014
Greetings and salutations on this fine Monday, and so with the usual irregularity I will attempt to offer you some nuggets worthy of news. With this post finding us plummeting happily into the big CON season actual proper exciting news is going to be on short supply, most publishers develop release constipation about now and […]

Board Game News In The Week.

by Mike Bon June 24, 2014
Greetings! Well its another week and its the news at a jaunty irregular time, we rolled the random cubic generator and decided on TODAY! was a good day to do.. News. How do you like Zombies? That was a yes wasn’t it. Well in yet another attempt to drain the last remaining vestiges of puss […]