Posts Tagged ‘alchemists’


by Mike Bon April 23, 2015
WDR Bronze
Alchemists was one of the big hits from Essen 2014 with much ballyhoo concerning its reliance on an app to play. I was intrigued, not only by the apps inclusion (it did sound quite cool) but generally from what the game pertained to be, a heady concoction of deduction and worker placement all bottled together […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast – Episode 14 – Dominion

by Mike Bon November 14, 2014
Its episode 14 of the Who Dares Rolls podcast and in this installment the team discuss Dominion, is it still relevant and can Robbie get over his shuffling phobia. We also bid a fond farewell to the deadly depths of Deathtrap Dungeon as our foolhardy adventurers finally come to the end of their epic quest, […]

Board Game News 17 October 2014

by Mike Bon October 17, 2014
Its been a month since I last posted a news update you’ll never accuse us of having our fingers on the pulse here at WDR Towers, so with our usual sluggishness and sloth like efficiency lets take a well overdue delve into the carboardy underbelly of boardgames and see whats twitching out there to tantalize […]