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Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.

by on September 21, 2013

Lots of exciting developments over here in the Who Dares Rolls camp, not only have we now joined and become a proud member of the prestigious UK Gaming Media Network a happening place for the gaming community of these fair shores but also your humble host is now sharing his love for board games out into the further reaches of the internetwebland.

I’ll be posting up regular news and features on the rather spiffy and new Geek:Life section on the Digital Fix forums.

I have a bunch of content lined up with them and hopefully will bring more members over to the fold. Go and check them out.

Firefly Board Game

Gale Force 9 who previously produced the Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treacheryhave just launched their next big license. Historically any licensed properties from TV or movies are usually pretty awful affairs, board games are no different; with most toys aisles in the big stores stuffed with either a dozen terrible Doctor Who games or another Monopoly brand.

However Spartacus was actually a pretty good effort which managed to carry over a lot of the scheming and mayhem that made the first season of Spartacus so much fun.

Firefly is looking to repeat this result. Players take the role of a captain of a Firefly class ship who must gather a crew and mosey about the ‘verse delivering cargo and choosing which side of the law to stay. All the while avoiding the Alliance and Reavers.

Its a beautiful looking thing with a whole mess of components tied in to the theme and its looking to be a lot of fun. It has all the characters from the show and a ton of little touches that call back to the series.

Full review forthcoming when I get my hands on this beast.

Browncoats Rejoice!

Browncoats Rejoice!

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