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Uber Epic News!

by on April 1, 2014

Hi and welcome to another Monday news… On Tuesday.

So whats warming our cockles like a day old sack of kittens, well big news that you need to check those diaries for is April 5th is Tabletop Day. Yes the one day a year as dictated by Wil Wheaton that everyone who is anyone should sit down and play board games, and share peace and harmony to all fellow human beings, even wargamers.

tabletop day


Head on over to the site to find out where you can get a game.

Gaming News

Well over on Kickstarter we have a few things of interest.


Catacombs is still going strong, we mentioned this last week. But this is a great game and is really picking up speed now. They are funded and are ripping through the stretch goals. So don’t miss out grab yourself a cracking disk flicking dungeon crawling good time. Trust us you’ll gonna kick yourself if you miss out.


Swooping out from no-where like some ginger ninja and taking us unprepared is Coup:Reformation. This is Indie Board & Cards reprint of the super popular and very sold out add on to Coup that hit in Essen last year and disappeared faster than a fat lad likes to sweat. Its only running for 15 days, and is a no brainer for us, coup was brilliant and this adds a nice spin to that game. We reviewed it HERE If you missed the first game you can also nab it with the expansion at a sweet price.

We now have a moments silence for the sad passing of City Millionaire from Mansel Van Weenen which unfortunately fell short of its £20,000 goal by… £20,000. We await his inevitable rise like a smoldering pheonix.

But fear not filling his mighty clown shoes is another contender. We give you UBER EPIC

uber epic


Aside from it taking me 4 hours to actually find where to back the game through all the other rubbish, this is just bizarre on the plus side it apparently plays with lights out in the room, hmm can’t really see that catching on. They have a looong road ahead of them but we wish them well.

A few things just coming soon is the Eldritch Horror expansion that is set to hit May and another one coming that same month is Sail To India from AEG .



It looks like a really neat little exploration and trading game using a small amount of components. It sounds very cool and looks to be a lot of game for what we hope will be a relatively inexpensive price.

Right we can’t hang around here all day gassing with you lot, got games to play.

Have a Uber Epic Day!

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