Posts Tagged ‘Rattle Battle grab the Loot’

Who Dares News Friday 26th June 2015

by Mike Bon June 26, 2015
Well its been a while since I’ve done one of these so its probably time for a little bit of a catch-up so gather round all like-minded individuals and we can spoon in an entirely consensual manner and pick from the cracker box of board game happenings. So first sorry for the delay in regular […]

So long and thanks for all the meeples – UK Games EXPO 2015

by Mike Bon June 1, 2015
And so as I recline in the Who Dares Rolls study having washed the stink of freshly pressed cardboard and cellophane wrap from my nostrils its time for some quiet contemplation. The UK Games EXPO has always been a mecca drawing in apostles to this fine hobby of ours from all the corners of this […]