Posts Tagged ‘gale force 9’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast 25 The Top Ten Lists Part 2

by Mike Bon August 28, 2015
List Part 2. Of the list, you know the bloody list! And some other stuff. Who Dares Rolls yay! This is all.

Who Dares News Friday 26th June 2015

by Mike Bon June 26, 2015
Well its been a while since I’ve done one of these so its probably time for a little bit of a catch-up so gather round all like-minded individuals and we can spoon in an entirely consensual manner and pick from the cracker box of board game happenings. So first sorry for the delay in regular […]

Firefly The Game – Blue Sun

by Mike Bon October 21, 2014
WDR Silver
Its time to take another mosey around the verse in the latest Firefly expansion from Gale Force 9, this time we’re heading out to Rim Space with the Blue Sun expansion. Since its launch over a year ago Firefly is a game that has been met with equal parts adoration and loathing with many being […]

Firefly The Game – Pirates & Bounty Hunters

by Mike Bon July 14, 2014
WDR Silver
Firefly The Game hit tables around a year ago at Gen Con shifting stash fulls of games and proving itself to be quite the dapper gent, its a bit of a monster having a board presence to rival the verse and a gravity inducing pile of components, it drew some cries of discontent over its […]

Tuesday News, late again…

by Mike Bon April 22, 2014
News has been a bit thin on the ground, there isn’t a whole lot of new games shipping at the moment with companies clutching hold of the good stuff in preparation of this summers big conventions. However a couple of gems have been teased so we’re make of them what we can. Gale Force 9 […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 3 – Firefly

by Mike Bon April 21, 2014
Join the WDR boys as they delve into board games both old and new, give opinions and thoughts on the hobby and tackle the terrors that await them in Deathtrap Dungeon. Its episode 3 – Ben’s away and the remaining crew discuss Firefly The Board Game. What did our motley crew of browncoats think of […]