Wednesday Board Game News On Tuesday!
So how does this grab you firefly fans? Announced for demo at GenCon with a release later in 2014 is the new Blue Sun expansion for the rather popular Firefly game, this latest expansion adds more boards!! to a game that already devours table space, and some new rules for the Reavers to make them […]
Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 3 – Firefly
Join the WDR boys as they delve into board games both old and new, give opinions and thoughts on the hobby and tackle the terrors that await them in Deathtrap Dungeon. Its episode 3 – Ben’s away and the remaining crew discuss Firefly The Board Game. What did our motley crew of browncoats think of […]
Farewell 2013 Hello 2014
I hope you all have been enjoying a restful and fun break spent playing lots of games with your nearest and dearest. And now in these last few days left to this year lets stretch out on the sofa to pick over the turkey carcass of 2013, whilst sorting through the tin of Quality Street […]
Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
Lots of exciting developments over here in the Who Dares Rolls camp, not only have we now joined and become a proud member of the prestigious UK Gaming Media Network a happening place for the gaming community of these fair shores but also your humble host is now sharing his love for board games out into […]
Gen Con 2013
So Gen Con happened last week. If you don’t know what it is, well allow me to bring you up to speed. Gen Con is one of the biggest gaming conventions around and takes place every year over in the good old USA and has done for around 40 odd years.It was bigger than ever […]