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Airecon 2017

by on February 6, 2017

We’re going on a road trip!

So its time to dust off those convention cobwebs and ready ourselves for a weekend of some damned fine gaming. Sweet Gaming Convention season is here again!

Yes I’ll be attending Airecon now in its fourth third glorious year and I think they are about ready to deal with our particular brand of nonsense.

This is predominately a weekend all about playing games and to assist with that they’ve teamed up with Travelling Man to offer a pretty damn whizzer games library of 350 cardboardy delights.

However thats not all there are a heap of designers and publishers who will be on hand to show you their latest most precious things including:

ITB Board Games hot off the success of the nerve wrangling SubTerra Kickstarter (which is still running if you move quick) and I suspect its going to be a hotly demoed little beast.

Medusa Games will be in attendance with last Essen’s big release 9 Worlds and they’re new contraption Magnificent Flying Machines which brings up warm memories of Terry Thomas being a bit of a cad (those young upstarts now staring blankly better get on the old google).

Ralph Horsley is going to be there a bloody great artist you may know his work from Lords of Waterdeep and Magic the Gathering.

There’s Woton Games, Yay Games,Sinister fish and loads and loads more Oh My! And one that really has us intrigued Eldritch Essences anyone for a waft of a great old one??

On top of all of that they have a Bring & Buy, traders stalls for more board games coz you can never have enough and a heap of events and things to do.

And the cherry on this particular cake, yes I know what your thinking what on earth else could there be to top these sumptuous offerings!! Well there’s a very good chance that yours truly will be let loose on some live panels how lovely, what could conceivably go wrong with that plan.

So clear that weekend in your diary and I’ll see you there.



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