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We have a new Mobile interface!

by on February 22, 2018

Greetings! So it’s with some fanfare I can confirm that we have updated the software running the mobile interface for this site. So finally it should look great on all your lovely phones.

This was only made possible by the very generous support from our Patreon backers that allowed for me to afford to upgrade the software running the mobile back end. We are now using WPTouch Pro which should now offer a much better and user friendly mobile version of this site.

There are still a couple of teething problems, we seem to have lost all of Charlies RPG articles that are currently refusing to play ball but all our reviews and other posts should now be accessible to you with a much more mobile friendly look to them.

Here’s what sage words of wisdom I shared on our Patreon page.

So thank you to all our followers and especially a huge thank you to you few but brilliant Patreon supporters. Everyone give them a round of applause!

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