The GW and FFG Split and What it Means to Us.
Back in the carefree summer of 2016 news hit that put a bit of a wilt in my cucumber sandwich. It was the ending of the longstanding agreement between Fantasy Flight and Games Workshop that had seen the latter publishing board games based on GW’s various IP’s. At the time we gnashed our teeth and […]
Judge Dredd The Board Game
WDR Bronze
Judge Dredd is one of my earliest hobby game purchases from way back in 1982, it was the golden age of Games Workshop in the UK they had a blockbusting run of stone cold classics during that decade. There was Dungeon Quest, Rogue Trooper, Talisman, Chainsaw Warrior, Cosmic Encounter, Fury of Dracula, Warrior Knights and […]
Talisman 4th Edition
Let’s play Talisman. It’s a phrase when uttered in gaming circles will either materialise hazy half-remembrances of wasted Sunday afternoons and dreamy expressions, send a gamer screaming from the room or get you punched. On the button pushing scale of gaming, it’s up there with other marmite flavoured delights such as Munchkin, Cards Against Humanity […]