Posts Tagged ‘spoilers’

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 39 – SeaFall (to the bitter end)

by Mike Bon February 20, 2017
Spoiler warning this episode contains massive game destroying, nerd rage inducing spoilers to the game, its mechanics and the plot of SeaFall.  If you intend to play the game now or at some point in the future then you really probably don’t want to listen to this episode. If your still interested as to what […]


by Mike Bon February 16, 2017
A warning to passing travellers for your safety contained below within the secret passages is a deeper look into our SeaFall experience. Be warned these rarely trodden paths are treacherous and filled with the most heinous spoilers…OK look if you don’t want your SeaFall campaign to be ruined don’t click the bloody things, just so […]

Pandemic Legacy – January

by Mike Bon November 9, 2015
      The following excerpts are taken from the personal diary of Doogie Howser the field medic with the CDC team during the Pandemic Event. Some information has been redacted in line with your clearance level. Be aware that the following information is designated code SPOILER.