Who Dares News – Friday 20th March
A solar eclipse is happening today, about now. Across the UK legions of school children have been working furiously on pinhole cameras so as to watch this dazzling intergalactic event without fear of burning a hole through the backs of their heads. Simultaneously groups of strange bearded gentlemen have thronged to Stonehenge garbed in tea-towels […]
Who Dares News On 13th February
Just a few short weeks ago I sat in the company of the gaming hive mind of Nigel and Lloyd Pyne (more on that in a moment) and lamented that Ghostbusters would make an excellent board game and that I was surprised nobody had thought of it yet. In my fevered eldritch tinged imaginations I […]
So long 2014 thanks for all the dice.
Whoa! (In full Keanu Reeves Matrix mode) and like poop from a lubed gooses backside 2014 has up and shot past us, really this year has been a blur, probably taking the analogy to its limits a smear, sorry. So as we sit here on the edge of tomorrow with 2015 beckoning us like a […]
oddball Aeronauts
WDR Silver
OK so I’m coming a tad late to this party, in actual fact its a shocking oversight as the designers are local lads. Stop with the looks back there, OK the truth of the matter is I missed the original Kickstarter and fully intended to catch up with Nigel and Lloyd at the UK Games […]
Snowtide has arrived
What is Snowtide? You may well ask that question. Well for those in the know and that now includes you because your reading this, its a festive addition to the really rather great oddball Aeronauts 2 Kickstarter that is running right this moment. Once a year as the wind chill gets a bit bitey and […]