Who Dares Rolls Podcast 28 “A Very Grumpy Christmas”
It being the season of goodwill and all that nonsense. We have gathered together the finest curmudgeons that the Board Game industry has to offer for an alternative take on this most jolly of seasons. So settle yourself down for our “Very Grumpy Christmas” episode of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. Mark Rivera designer of […]
Who Dares Rolls Podcast – Episode 13 – Stuff’N Nonsense
It’s episode 13 of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. As we totally didn’t prepare for this recording we decided to make it all up for a change… So discussed in this episode are some smaller and lighter games including Cash n Guns, Diamonds & Skull & Roses. We also discuss a variety of other gaming […]
Nothing Personal
WDR Silver
Nothing Personal has been on my radar for a while, I mean a gangster game chock full of double crosses, whaking’s, and family infighting who wouldn’t want to play that? Who hasn’t watched the Godfather Movies or Goodfellas and not wanted to dip their gaming toe in those turbulent waters, who doesn’t want to smile […]