Posts Tagged ‘dead of winter’

The Best Dogs in Board Games

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon November 7, 2018
Dogs are great and personally I miss having a dog, so to celebrate the existence of dogs everywhere, I’ve decided to make a list in no particular order, of the best dogs I’ve encountered in board games. The usual disclaimers apply; this is my list, it only covers games I’ve played where there are dogs […]

Five Games to Help Prepare you for our Inevitable Apocalyptic Future

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon November 18, 2016
Recently I wrote an article about five games to help cheer you up given the terrible year we’ve had. The thing is, the events are probably not isolated to 2016. I’m not saying that we’re going to be The Road immediately, but it’s probably going to happen. The Quiet Year By Avery Alder and Buried […]

Battlestar Galactica and Expansions Review

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 17, 2016
WDR Gold Essential
When justifying buying legacy games, I’ve often heard the argument, “What board games have you played twelve or more times?” This generally doesn’t count things like Love Letter; they mean the big boys. The first place my mind goes to when people ask this question is Battlestar Galactica, a game which has definitely seen its’ […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon November 2, 2015
A game of looming horror, by Ephidiah Ravachol and woodelf. Review by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn Horror movies are tricky beasts to replicate in games. Zombies!!! replicates the look of horror by turning a zombie apocalypse into an arcade game. Dead of Winter presents interesting moral dilemmas but we all turn into cold sociopaths when it’s only […]

Dead of Winter “Charlie Takes A Bite”

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon October 27, 2015
WDR Gold Essential
DEAD OF WINTER A game of surviving an icy, zombie-filled apocalypse for 2-5 players by Plaid Hat Games, review by Charles Etheridge-Nunn   It’s the middle of winter and you’re alone in an abandoned school, scavenging for supplies. It’s bitterly cold but you made it out this far. Your eyes catch on something metallic, barely […]

The Who Scares Rolls Podcast Episode 27 “The Halloween Special”

by Mike Bon October 26, 2015
Mwa Ha Ha Haaa. Welcome you worthless cardboard obsessed worms to the spooktacular Halloween special episode of the Who Scares Rolls Podcast. In this frightfully gruesome edition we disgust Horror games and if the tabletop can effectively pull off midnight chills. The ghouls discuss what they’ve been playing. And we take a ride in the […]

Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn

by Mike Bon August 5, 2015
WDR Essential
The duelling card game arena is sodden with choices. There is the behemoth Magic system with its thousands of cards and ferocious tournament play, an intimidating prospect for new players. Netrunner has its riveting asynchronous matches marred by a ridiculously steep learning curve enough to send a casual observer into spasms and investing into it […]

Dark Moon

by Mike Bon July 28, 2015
WDR Silver
Hidden traitor games. For me, they are one of my most absolute favorite game mechanics introduced in this modern age of board gaming. The frenzied levels of finger pointing loud proclamations of distrust and the general level of tension these can instill among a group of dear friends over a dining table are fantastic. There […]

And Here we go again! Yippee!

by Mike Bon January 6, 2015
So we’ve packed 2014 away neatly back into its box, checked under the table for any missing components and bagged all its meeples, and slid it with satisfied contentment away onto the shelf. Lets take a breath because personally the last couple of months have been a bit of a blur, I’m in the unenviable […]

So long 2014 thanks for all the dice.

by Mike Bon December 31, 2014
Whoa! (In full Keanu Reeves Matrix mode) and like poop from a lubed gooses backside 2014 has up and shot past us, really this year has been a blur, probably taking the analogy to its limits a smear, sorry. So as we sit here on the edge of tomorrow with 2015 beckoning us like a […]