Posts Tagged ‘apocalypse world’

Dungeon World Exodus Session Zero – Character Creation

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 21, 2016
Dungeon World is an amazing game; hands down it’s possibly one of my favourite if not my favourite D&D type game. You may have read my experiences with D&D and with the Hoard of the Dragon Queen. Dungeon World has been my solution to wanting those kinds of experiences with some great mechanics. I’ve started my […]

Who Dares RPG News Feb 16th 2016

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 15, 2016
Right now is a surprisingly good time for role-playing games on Kickstarter. I noticed there wasn’t anything on the news section about these but there have been some huge announcements and some little ones which are worth attention, too. APOCALYPSE WORLD SECOND EDITION You may have noticed that I put up an article about Apocalypse […]

Tremulus Session Zero

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon October 30, 2015
Tremulus Session Zero By Charlie Etheridge-Nunn I’ve told you about my love of the Apocalypse World Engine before, but what I’ve not mentioned is that I’m also a fan of Lovecraftian horror. HP Lovecraft himself is of course massively problematic in both style and content of writing but my god he had some great ideas […]


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon September 22, 2015
Threeforged Event by Paul Czege. Article by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn   There’s something interesting going on at Google Plus at the moment. I know what you’re thinking, “Google Plus still exists?” Yes, it exists and while it’s very much the redheaded stepchild of the social medias (especially in my social circles) it is actually an amazing […]

Preview: Souls of Steel

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 23, 2015
A role-playing game of science fiction military drama on and off the battlefield, by Elle Addison, Dana Fried & Yanni Cooper.    I’ve written about role-playing podcasts and my enjoyment of them previously, including “I Podcast Magic Missile.” Three of the hosts have got together to make a science fiction role-playing game which is a […]

Like Mad Max, Why Not Try Apocalypse World?

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 23, 2015
Mad Max seems to be pretty popular right now and rightly so, according to all the reviews. It’s got the right haters and a ton of supporters. So you like the movie and want to play games like it? That’s cool, I get it, I have that feeling way too often and try to work out […]