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Show me the money!

by on February 18, 2016

Whoot! like a proud father grappling with a fresh pink mewling newborn it gives me great pleasure and a warm comforting feeling in my underwear to announce that our Patreon page has gone live.

Now if you’re sat there scratching your head wondering “what is Patreon?” well allow me to clear up any fuzziness that might be happening over there. Patreon is a site that allows YOU to make a monthly donation of as little or as much as you want to us for the content that we produce.

Unbelievably we’ve been producing this podcast and website content for over three years, literally saturating it with our blood, sweat and tears… we put a lot into it. We’ve glanced murmurs of interest from the real world slowly at first but there is certainly the blossoms of progress somewhere at the back of the sock drawer and we want to grow with our audience, here’s the rub, it ain’t cheap.
So far the site hosting, equipment, mics, cables, computers and all the other technical doodads required to keep a top flight production such as ourselves running has come out of our pockets. With your help we’d like to take the next step, we’d love to do more shows, video reviews and get to more conventions, maybe even create some cool swag. But we are lowly underpaid drones and only have a limited amount of spare change every month.

Patreon is a way to not only keep producing the content we put out but even to improve it (OK we could probably busk with a broken harmonica and cover funds to improve our content but you get the idea) we could invest in better equipment and even cover Mike’s tea budget.

As extra incentive there are some reward levels to get your name on our “Wall of Greg’s” nab a certificate, a shout out on the show or even join us on one of our Fighting Fantasy adventures.

We love what we do and the hobby is showing no signs of slowing down. So think of this as a nice sleek pair of running shoes that we can slap on and hopefully keep up.

Thanks for listening, commentating and just being out there you’re all very special.

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