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Who Dares Rolls Board Gaming News This Week

by on July 1, 2014

Hello and indeed welcome to another randomly punctual edition of the Who Dares Rolls News. Bringing you a generous scoop of what has tickled our interest over the past few days topped with a vigorous shake of sprinkles brimming with delight of stuff hitting our tables soon. Think of it as a big drippy sundae of gaming goodness. I’m a bit peckish now.

Pandemic legacySo this is happening officially now. This image snuck out on the Z-Man’s facebook page along with the vague document looking like some CIA censored press release, all of this i’m sure has resulted in the gamer equivalent of blue balls the world over. All we know currently is its Matt Leacock and Rob Daviau co-designing it and that it obviously involves the legacy mechanism. If you have still not played Risk Legacy you are really missing out, put aside any pre-conceived hangups that you may have regarding another Risk game and gather some players together and dive in, it introduced my entire group back into modern gaming and we still look back with envy at those first few plays. Its superlatives time folks but it has to be said “Risk Legacy is one of this generations defining games” the Legacy mechanism is the single coolest idea to hit board games since dice and what it could mean for the hobby going forward makes us all wobbly.

pandemic legacy2

And lets not forget that there is another legacy game out there slowly simmering away, Daviau is also working on Seafall a completely new design focused on his legacy mechanism. Its all been quiet of late but I have a suspicion that soon we’re going to get an announcement about this that is going to result in a lot of socks blowing off, so much so we can expect heavy woolen showers for months to come.

originsOrigins Game Fair took place over in the good ole US of A and whilst it isn’t the new release juggernaut that GenCon is some gems have appeared on the radar.

Coming from Split Second Games and designer Brian Suhre’s is Paradox. Its a time travel/manipulation game one of a few that are currently in development and its peeked our interest if nothing else for the great art and quirky game play.

After decades of abusing the gift of time travel, humanity has accidentally created a massive space-time disturbance called the Quake that threatens planets in both space and time. Players take on the roles of scientists tasked with saving as many worlds as possible from the Quake, by manipulating energy to create new time strands. When enough of the proper time strands have been made, the breach is repaired. By creating multiple connections to a given anchor point in space, players further deepen the connection between worlds.

However, every change made to the space/time continuum creates a ripple effect – the Quake jumps to another World, fracturing it and removing it from reality. The things that you must do to save Worlds from the Quake are the very things that fuel the Quake…




 Players draft cards from an open tableau of worlds and timelines to save, then harvest resources from a 5×5 grid of tokens by swapping tokens of similar symbols, in order to create an orthogonal line of 4-5 tokens of similar color. Red, yellow, and green tokens are used to save timelines; white and black resources, to restore fractured worlds and shield saved worlds. At the end of twelve rounds, the Quake loses its energy and dissipates; planets that remain fractured score fewer points for all players. The player/scientist with the most VPs is recognized as the team responsible for saving the universe…and wins the game.


Love the art on these and the idea of each time zone being by a different artist helps sell the idea of these alternative dimensions, it looks like it will be hitting kickstarter later in the year. If its any good I suppose only time will tell, or has it already…

origins awardThey also staged the Origins Awards – and the two big winners were Love Letter & Trains. Both solid games at separate ends of the spectrum and you can do a lot worse than give these a play.top4





Legendary encountersIn the “We need this NOW!” section is Upper Decks Legendary Encounters an Alien Deck Builder. The rule book came out last week, and it plays very similar to Legendary the Marvel deck builder, but this has Aliens and lots of cool new artwork. Very very stoked for getting this. Its due for release at Gen Con and I imagine will burst out from there. Here’s hoping its easier to track down on these shores than the Marvel version.

Stay frosty.


player board


Kickstarter News.

Zombicide Season 3Zombicide Season 3 just hit with the full force of a lump hammer. With 26 days to go they have already hit $800,000!! Already a hoard of stretch goals have been unlocked and I’m sure more are to follow. Trying very hard to ignore the existence of this.

harbour cardsHere’s something a little lighter on the pocket TMG have Harbour a micro-ish worker placement (think Le’Harve but smaller) that has a ton of positive reviews and looks to be a great little game. It has a couple of really clever mechanisms going on including a neat little market system. Go and check them out, its $20 and you get some real value for your pledge.

WDR logo season 2Who Dares Rolls Season 2 is coming!

To mark our first birthday celebrations we have some exciting developments planned, expect to see a spot of spit and polish applied to these humble surroundings as we plan give ourselves a bit of a nip and tuck. Simmering overhead like a Barony of Letnev War Sun blistering with pointy sticks is our new logo, shiny ain’t it. Don’t go panicking that we’re going all hollywood on you, rest assured we will always have time for a decent dick joke.

I have a pile of stuff to review and hoping to get something up soon. If you haven’t had a chance check out the recent Podcast episode and expect further birthday goodies in the coming weeks.

And we’re done.


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