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And Here we go again! Yippee!

by on January 6, 2015

So we’ve packed 2014 away neatly back into its box, checked under the table for any missing components and bagged all its meeples, and slid it with satisfied contentment away onto the shelf.

Lets take a breath because personally the last couple of months have been a bit of a blur, I’m in the unenviable position of working in the dreaded retail sector which means just when our hobby is getting crazy cool and busy I’m stuck missing all the fun. I’ve made some resolutions to myself regarding the site that I want to hit this year, top priority is we need more hits and more listeners but that’s just a greedy fact of life so I plan to get more reviews and articles out hopefully with more regularity. And I want us to produce more interesting content this year, the plan is for a series of articles over the year that are UK centric, taking a peek behind the curtain of some board gamey types from designers, publishers to suppliers. I think it’ll be interesting to get a perspective of how this business of ours functions and if there are specific challenges to the UK market (I suspect that is a yes) and hopefully some of it might be useful to peeps looking to get into the business and for those already in it and all us rubberneckers. Don’t panic we’re not suddenly going to get all broadsheet on you we will always find time for at least one decent dick joke somewhere in there.

So if you are one of the aforementioned industry types and you fancy the idea of this and want to contribute then I welcome you with open arms, the idea is still in its infancy at the moment I need to have a really good sit down with a cuppa and come up with some format for this and how to make it work and still be entertaining, this is obviously a presumption that anything we produce here is of entertainment to someone but hey we’ve got to keep those fires of optimism burning. If you want to join the party then drop me a line at mike@whodaresrolls.com

So what else have we got up our sleeves, well hopefully we will be getting some more contributors on board to help with the first stage of this operation more content, and fingers crossed we might broaden our horizons into taking a look at RPG’s as well as all these lovely board games. So again any of you out there that has an opinion and whats somewhere to house it we’re accepting members, no pressure to produce do as little or as lot as you want. If it has something interesting to say about the hobby or a review then were open to submissions, have a think and drop me a line.

Video is also on the cards, everyone else is up to it and I’d like for us to start putting out some video content this is all still percolating at the moment as I want something a little different from what everyone else is offering, and its not a cheap area to dabble. So before good ole 2015 is out we will have something out for your viewing pleasure just we don’t know exactly what or how yet. This is sounding like a manifesto for the ill-prepared.

I’m stoked for whats ahead, I think this is going to be a crazy year for the hobby just what we know is coming out is exciting enough, but that’s just think about this, back this time last year I was getting jiggedy for Seafall, Dead of Winter and Marvel Dice Masters two of which have been rather popular and although Seafall has yet to arrive I suspect when it does its going to be huge. Already with us barely out of the gate of 2015 there is a heap of stuff announced or planned and that’s what we know about, if I’d told you that last year that Christmas would see a Star Wars dungeon crawler from FFG released I think our minds might have dribbled a bit. I truly do believe that 2015 is going to be a banner year for our hobby.

Our more regular content will start up again in February, as Season 2 of Who Dares Rolls kicks off (technically 3 but we only did 6 months in 2013) I want to get an Imperial Assault review up but need to dig more into the campaign before doing that (teaser if your a Star Wars fan on the fence – do it) and there’s a heap of other cool stuff I need to get through. So yep plenty of goodness ahoy.

Mike B









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