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Who Dares Rolls Express 02 – Gen Can’t & Apps in board games

by on July 31, 2015

Hello and welcome to our second Express episode. This was birthed mewling like an unwanted three-legged puppy from our recent Episode 24 recording, that ran on a bit and we had an enlightening argument regarding the use of Apps in board games.

So I have surgically removed that segment and present it here for your listening pleasure.

Header-WithDateAnd also in order to stay somewhat relevant and to appear that we have our finger on the gaming pulse there is also some content regarding Gen Can’t and what we’ve been doing, including an interview with Ollie from the convention floor.

IMG_0762If you don’t know what Gen Can’t is then fix that right away by going to HERE. There is lots to get involved in and also you can win some pretty cool prizes so what are you waiting for, get on it.



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