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Wednesday Board Game News On Tuesday!

by on May 20, 2014

So how does this grab you firefly fans?


Announced for demo at GenCon with a release later in 2014 is the new Blue Sun expansion for the rather popular Firefly game, this latest expansion adds more boards!! to a game that already devours table space, and some new rules for the Reavers to make them extra nasty. It will also include the Breakin Atmo booster cards released last year. Rather excited about this one as I do feel that the Reavers in their current version are a tad placid given their status in the show. Here’s a fan made mock up of the board from BGG which might give us an idea of what to expect.



Gen Con will also see the launch of Gale Force 9’s other big license they have from fox Son’s of Anarchy which is shaping to look a lot of violent fun.Sons_of_Anarchy_500

In Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem players control rival clubs, competing to be the most successful outlaw club. Each turn, players choose what sites of interest to fight for and what territories to yield. Negotiate, threaten and ally with rival clubs when it serves your needs but be wary of the inevitable knife in the back. The club with the most cash at the end wins.



dead of winterIn sad depressing news we have word from Plaid Hat games that Dead Of Winter has been hit with a further delay now pushing the game back to a July release. Which is altogether so sucky, but absence makes the heart grow stronger and all of that. Maybe we’re get the frosted dice now its been held up??

On the plus side the very cheap European pre-order’s that were due to finish on Monday have now been extended so there is still time for you to nab yourself a discounted copy. Click Here.


arctic scavengers

We reported some time ago about Arctic Scavengers and its plight regarding the Deception expansion. Well there might be light at the end of that tunnel, Robert Gabhart the games designer is moving forward in July with a Kickstarter project for this in the event of Rio Grande not agreeing to release it. We’re post more news as we hear it and if you don’t yet own a copy of this very cool deck builder then why not??


pic1317133_tThe 2014 nominations for the Spiel Des Jahres have gone up and are an interesting mix.


Of the three announced I’ve only played Splendor and really enjoyed that as a fast and light set collecting game and well worth a look. Hopefully we can take a look at the others before the big day.

If Spiel means nothing to you, they are the a big deal in board game awards, past winners include Dominion, Dixit and Hannabi and are usually focused on more beginner friendly titles and can usually be relied on being a game worthy of your attention.


8b8ff2340fc1ace75a060c868207b948_largeI’m going to once again push you to back or at the very least look at and then back, the rather excellent and nasty little game of body part snatching from Andrew Harman Frankenstein’s Bodies. Really enjoyed this, its such a refreshing new twist on the stitch up your friends (pun intended) style of game play. And no I’m not saying that because he has my quotes all over his website. Its a great game. If you are still on the fence Andrew will have the game at the UK Expo next week, if your around I challenge you to a duel.

And I think that about wraps us up for this little lot.

WDR pod itunes


Coming up next week. A veritable cheese toasty of joy. We’re be recording Episode 6 of the Podcast with a special focus on Marvel Legendary and some other assorted super hero games.

Upcoming reviews I’m hoping to get Pack of Heroes, Dobble, That Scoundrels of Skullport review I promised and A look at The Agents.

Don’t forget to visit the WDR Guild at BGG leave us a message, post a comment, insult us… anything??

And prepare yourselves because we are drawing ever closer to the UK Games Expo 2014 30th May – 1st June, That’s next weekend. I’ll be there complete with microphone and lots of caffeine be sure to say hi if we meet.

Do all the usual social media stuff, like us on Facebook, Follow us on Twitter and rate us on iTunes.

Have a great week, enjoy the Bank Holiday and catch you soon.

Mike B




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