Posts Tagged ‘zinequest’

ZineQuest 2 Electric Boogaloo

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 25, 2020
Due to my usual incompetence and general lack of time frames etc I’m a bit late in posting this article from Charlie as such some of these projects may now have funded already and you missed it…. um sorry.  Mike ZineQuest 2 Blitz! It’s  February and that means it’s time for ZineQuest! What’s ZineQuest? Well, […]

ZineQuest 2 Blitz!

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 6, 2020
It’s February and that means it’s time for ZineQuest! What’s ZineQuest? Well, that’s a good question. It was started in 2019 by Luke Crane as a way of replicating some of the old style of distribution of roleplaying games and modules in the form of ‘zines. It also ended up a massive success, with a […]