Posts Tagged ‘legendary encounters’

Who Dares Rolls TV Episode 2

by Mike Bon August 19, 2016
Huzzah! we’re finally back with the sequel to that other video that we did. In this thrilling instalment we glance at Gen Con, bemoan Legendary Fireflys terrible art. Take a gander at Sharknado the board game and get all betentacled with our Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition review.

Who Dares News On 13th February

by Mike Bon February 13, 2015
Just a few short weeks ago I sat in the company of the gaming hive mind of Nigel and Lloyd Pyne (more on that in a moment) and lamented that Ghostbusters would make an excellent board game and that I was surprised nobody had thought of it yet. In my fevered eldritch tinged imaginations I […]

So long 2014 thanks for all the dice.

by Mike Bon December 31, 2014
Whoa! (In full Keanu Reeves Matrix mode) and like poop from a lubed gooses backside 2014 has up and shot past us, really this year has been a blur, probably taking the analogy to its limits a smear, sorry. So as we sit here on the edge of tomorrow with 2015 beckoning us like a […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 11 – Dead Of Winter

by Mike Bon September 10, 2014
Its episode 11 of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. In this thrilling installment we discuss Plaid Hat Games new zombie game Dead Of Winter & Crossroads Game its given the usual unstructured blather but its possible you may discern some information of use somewhere during it. The boys also dig into a spot of post […]

Board Game News on Monday 18th August.

by Mike Bon August 18, 2014
So in perfect timing I went on my family holidays last week whilst the rest of the board gaming world went Gen Con crazy, to make matters worse I happened to be enjoying myself in Cornwall an area of the UK with an abundance of beaches, bustles of pasties and unfortunately a WiFi network powered […]

Farewell 2013 Hello 2014

by Mike Bon December 26, 2013
I hope you all have been enjoying a restful and fun break spent playing lots of games with your nearest and dearest. And now in these last few days left to this year lets stretch out on the sofa to pick over the turkey carcass of 2013, whilst sorting through the tin of Quality Street […]