Posts Tagged ‘Eric M Lang’

Designer Impulses

by Mike Bon September 20, 2017
Chris from Unboxed:The Board Game Blog approached me with the spiffy idea of an article all about games that we’ve bought without doing the homework, you know like checking reviews or any of that other sensible stuff those of use with a serious board game habit would obviously do. These are impulse buy’s and more […]

To the EXPO and Beyond Part 1

by Mike Bon June 8, 2016
Being the proper and correct account of the misadventures of Mike B and his belligerent and overworked lackey Chris B. As of this writing the UK Games EXPO 2016 is done, dusted, she’s dead Jim. Somewhere in the region of LOT’S of gamers, families, kids and wobbly Daleks made their way to the NEC Birmingham […]