Posts Tagged ‘diamonds’

So long 2014 thanks for all the dice.

by Mike Bon December 31, 2014
Whoa! (In full Keanu Reeves Matrix mode) and like poop from a lubed gooses backside 2014 has up and shot past us, really this year has been a blur, probably taking the analogy to its limits a smear, sorry. So as we sit here on the edge of tomorrow with 2015 beckoning us like a […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast – Episode 13 – Stuff’N Nonsense

by Mike Bon October 27, 2014
It’s episode 13 of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. As we totally didn’t prepare for this recording we decided to make it all up for a change… So discussed in this episode are some smaller and lighter games including Cash n Guns, Diamonds & Skull & Roses. We also discuss a variety of other gaming […]

Who Dares Rolls Podcast Episode 11 – Dead Of Winter

by Mike Bon September 10, 2014
Its episode 11 of the Who Dares Rolls Podcast. In this thrilling installment we discuss Plaid Hat Games new zombie game Dead Of Winter & Crossroads Game its given the usual unstructured blather but its possible you may discern some information of use somewhere during it. The boys also dig into a spot of post […]