7th Sea Preview Part Two: The Swiftest at Swordery!
Game by John Wick Presents Preview by Charlie Etheridge-Nunn “Niech Żyje Książę!” “Long Live the Prince!” Part Two GM’d by Jacob. Starring: Prince Aleksy Gracjan Nowak, played by Vinnie Domenica Vespucci the fate witch, played by me Ennio Vespucci the flouncy duellist, played by Ash Captain Roberto Gallo, played by Lee Azucena Esquivel […]
7th Sea Preview Part One: Deploy the Swoon!
7th Sea Preview Part One: Deploy the Swoon! Game by John Wick Presents The In-Fighters were making characters for Dungeon World when the news pinged up on my phone. There was imminently going to be a Kickstarter for the new edition of the 7th Sea role-playing game. All play stopped while the half of the […]