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Monday Board Gaming News (on a Thursday)

by on April 17, 2014

Yay its Monday…. Thursday, time for board gaming news. So nothing really very interesting was happening back on those carefree summer days of Monday so we posted nada, as there was nothing really to say. Its been a slow week in board gaming.

However some exciting developments have passed by our ever beady eyes so time for a bit of a catch up.

First up Kickstarter News.

cata heroes

Catacombs has funded, so if you didn’t back despite our constant nudges than you’ve missed the boat and will have to wait for the retail release in November. It scooped a whopping $233,771 CAD which is pretty neat considering the goal was a lowly $40,000. They blasted through stretch goals and this is looking like a mighty fine package, is it November already?

Really stoked for this and the whole kickstarter project was a joy, with everyone diving in and giving some excellent feedback with constant enlightening updates by Elzra throughout.

Looks like those boys will be busy over the next couple of months.



coup R

The Coup Reformation project also finished up with a none too shabby $254,133 and whilst the forums for this was far more subdued than the Elzra one, I am looking forward to adding this expansion to the game in August.

I’m now locking away my credit card and ignoring Kickstarter for the foreseeable future.


And finally, well for Kickstarter anyway Black Box Games makers of the excellent card game series Lords Of War have started shipping the latest expansion Templars Vs Undead (funded last year). The series is a firm WDR family favorite and this new edition brings with it some exciting new rules and more of the tremendous artwork of Steve Cox. Can not wait. Full review coming once I get my hands on this one.

And in other news.

unita box

Unita looks like an interesting thing, for starters it comes with 64 dice which is always a great place to start in our opinion. However you are not going to be rolling these. Following along behind Quantum (which we need to get a review of at some point) this uses the dice in the place of components for the game, these represent armies. Each players forces have to make it to a central portal to score their forces, but they get chipped away at reducing the number on the facing as they clash with other players. Color us interested.


Spieleschmiede a German crowd funding site have partnered up with Academy games the very popular team behind the excellent Freedom The Underground Railway and the recently successfully funded Fief to offer Fief on their site as a bilingual English/German format for anyone who missed out on the earlier Kickstarter and for German board gamer’s of which there are many.  Academy’s previous releases have garnered huge acclaim for just just being great games but with a wealth of historic information and facts making them also incredibly detailed and informative. So you can learn history whilst you play, now that’s a history lesson I could have been convinced to pay attention to.


The project goes live April 25th.

Don’t forget the poll is now up for which new Fighting Fantasy game book we should cover following our inevitable defeat by the devious depths of Deathtrap Dungeon, its over there on the left, give it a click you know you want to too.

Fighting Fantasy

And if your a fan of the books let me point you to the excellent facebook page dedicated to the series with a lively bunch of fellow collectors and players, go over and say hello, give them a like.

And that’s us for now, still lots of cool things on the horizon including the UK Games Expo at the end of May in Birmingham. Have you booked your tickets yet? If your heading along I’ll be in attendance hopped up on coffee and adrenaline. Its an excellent event and becoming the UK’s biggest board gaming venue.

Keep playing

Mike B (the real one)

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