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Keep Running!

by on November 2, 2013


Greetings enthusiasts of all things board and game related.

Kickstarter is something of a guilty pleasure for me, I love it but my credit card absolutely loathes it. And now I’m here to point you (and your credit card) in the direction of a fine British project that is running right now, it would benefit greatly from your love, attention and a couple of coins.

Michael Fox the very nice man at The Little Metal Dog Show currently has a project running at this very moment.

Keep Running! The game of you, your friends and a huge bear! 

This is a cool little card game with the simple idea of what would you do to outrun a large ferocious bear with only your very best friends around as bait. Its a great idea with some fiendish mechanics, you play cards from a rapidly diminishing hand to try and stay ahead of the rest of the other lunch’s players. It looks to capture the very best Darwinian board gaming etiquette.


I love push your luck games, and any that allow you to do unmentionable things to your friends (for fun!) and I can see this leading to some spirited post game discussions.

card 1

This looks like ideal filler material and it has some great art and still a picnic basket full of stretch goals to whet your appetite. It’s currently up to 6 players but I’m personally of the opinion It’ll play much better with 8 poor souls as a buffer between me and that big hairy toothy thing.

So what are you waiting for head on over to the Kickstarter page and pledge.


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