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Gunpowder, Airships & Oddball’s

by on November 4, 2014

We’ve long been a supporter of homegrown talent here at Who Dares Roll’s and as these guys are literally in our back yard it would be bordering on very rude not to give them a shout out, i’m talking about Marverick Muse who had a barnstorming kickstarter in March with oddball -aeronauts. A fast and light 2 player card game of battling steampunk varmits on airships, you’ll surely remember it for the amazing art.

ObA-go-cardart-pirateThis one grabbed some stonking support and thumbs up from a squadron of big names, go and check out the original kickstarter page and savor the love. And then head over to the maverick:muse site and pick up a copy of the original game. Because that will be handy as…

obA2.Banner.1500x555Not ones to sit idly on their hands the brothers Pyne are back with a bang!  On November 5th (that’s tomorrow kiddies) the oddball’s return in a sequel to the original hit game. Offering more factions, more stonking art and the option now for multiplayer games. (see you’ll need that other set)

obA2.FreeKingdoms.620x384 (1)obA2.Mechinauts.620x384We are declaring November the month of oddball and will be following the brothers and their furry violent little friends on this exciting journey. Look for some interesting bits and interviews to follow and get those seat backs and trays into position because this is going to be one heck of a crazy ride.

Prepare for lift off!



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