Author Archive


by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon February 18, 2021
Weave By Mina McJanda and Liz Iles The wooden train station was battered by the endless storm. The apprentices of the Vellavna stood inside with what they were beginning to realise were too few supplies. Loden looked at his cotton suit, then back out to the rain and the darkness. He touched the glyph on […]

Trophy Gold

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon October 1, 2020
Trophy Gold Talian put his hands in the hole in his chainmail. “Well, that’s fucked,” he said. The creature he’d called a Son of Ghaldren lay dead on the ground and Sareh pulled a dagger out from it. Talian had been little use; his sword trapped under a fallen wall when the creature first appeared. […]

Beyond the Wall

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon September 28, 2020
Beyond the Wall By Flatland Games Beyond the Wall is a D&D style retro-clone touching on both narrative RPG elements and those of the OSR movement. OSR is often an abbreviation for “Old School Renaissance”, “Old School Revival” and any number of other things. The general style is that of old-school RPGs in tone and […]

Trouble for Hire

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 18, 2020
Trouble for Hire By Kevin Allen Jr and NDP Design Ruben looked at Jake’s Boys sat drinking and talking shit at a table in the dead centre of Shelly’s Bar. He needed to keep to a low profile if he was going to leave without any trouble. If he kept to his corner and didn’t […]

Green Dawn Mall

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 14, 2020
Green Dawn Mall By Côme Martin Chuck looked over to the giant plastic mountain which stood as the centrepiece to the toy shop. There was a ski slope and little plastic men travelled up and down the ski lift without ever being able to get down. There weren’t any people in the toy shop, surely […]

Quick RPG Reviews: #iHunt, Mall Zombies and ‘Terps

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon August 8, 2020
I buy a lot of RPGs and don’t always get the time to run them, or haven’t found the right group yet. In an effort to read and talk about more RPGs, I’ve decided to start having a look at some RPGs I’ve been reading recently. I wrote these quick reviews originally in January 2020, […]

Fiasco in a Box

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon July 27, 2020
A WKD baptism in an old park where an Extreme Skateboarding Christian League used to compete. A man dressed in a gimp suit and night vision goggles, running through suburban streets while angry neighbours shout that it’s the wrong night for that kind of wardrobe… It’s good to be back in the world of Fiasco. […]’s Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality is a Treasure Trove of Delights.

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon June 10, 2020
Before I go any further, it should be said that Black Lives Matter. This isn’t a topic up for debate, this isn’t an opinion. Fascism is a garbage ideology no matter whether it’s ironically said in a Cards Against Humanity game or genuinely seen online or in real life. George Floyd, Breanna Taylor and so […]

Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 29, 2020
Dishonored: The Roleplaying Game By Modiphius Entertainment A copy of the Dishonored RPG was provided by Modiphius for this review. Sweet Arfur wandered through the Dass Granary with all the heir of the expert he was pretending to be. “I’m a self-made entrepreneur,” Uriah Dass said. “Of course,” Arfur said, rolling his eyes. “Was there […]

City of Mist Part 3: Expansions and Alternatives

by Charlie Etheridge-Nunnon May 13, 2020
City of Mist: Expansions and Alternatives I’ve written my review of City of Mist both to read and to play. I had to give a quite wary recommendation for this game. The world is really interesting, the art and design are beautiful. The system is quite a mess to read and feels like there are a […]