The Arkham Horror RPG brings Fantasy Flight’s Arkham Files universe to roleplaying games. Is it any good? Let’s find out…
What about Jane Austen RPGs?
Well, this February sees the launch of the Kickstarter for Good Society, a Powered by the Apocalypse Jane Austen game. I am about literally everything in that phrase. Storybrewers made the fascinating-looking Alas for the Awful Sea, which shows their love of their subject matter and the research which took place. I can’t wait to see what this is like.
As part of the Kickstarter for Grant Howitt’s Goblin Quest, he promised a hack of it called “Regency Ladies”, which ended up becoming its own different game in the book. He’s also talked about an Unbound setting where regency ladies come out to society and are given their families warmechs. I want to see a print version of this one day.