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Hey look we are still here!

by on January 9, 2021

Hello lovely Patreon peoples. I appreciate its been a while since we’ve done much and the simple answer to that is I’ve been really really busy with real life.

Surprise Son No.3 Issac was born 10th August and has rather disrupted everything (in the best way possible).  And with a new job and the requirements of a new person I’ve not really had a great deal of spare time, and when I have my brain hasn’t really been working all that well.

Fortunately Charlie has kept us afloat with his articles and I have a bunch more of his waiting to post including a look at Masks the Super Hero RPG, Sentinel Comics and his look at Edgy Games all coming up over the next couple of weeks.

But there’s more.

We have recorded podcast 52 that’s awaiting an edit so that should be in your ears in the coming week.

I’ve recorded a couple of video reviews of Portals Detective and Monolith Arena (again awaiting some editing) and I have my list of the Best Board Game Villains to finish (which I’m sure Charlie will chime in on) and that’s the tip of the iceberg.

I’m also very happy to say that we are partnering up with Board Game Guru  Who will be sponsoring us and it’s great to have them on board. I’ll be sitting down with Angus from Guru soon for a nice chat in the coming weeks.

So yes we’re still here and once my life settles we’re be back to our usual slip shod schedule. Thank you all once again for sticking by us your obviously the best.



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