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We’re Still Here!

by on January 2, 2017

Happy New Year! To all our listener’s lurkers and passers-by.

I know we’ve been quieter than usual over the last couple of months and nothing pains me more than just when everyone else in our hobby is winding down and indulging in all the new shiny toys that hit this time of year I find myself at my busiest. Stupidly I work in the dreaded horrors of retail and this year has been especially challenging away from this site where I’ve had no time to call my own.

Thankfully that dark period is finally coming to a close so I will soon find myself with much more quality time on my hands and be able to vomit out more of that special blend of Who Dares Rolls nonsense.

2016 has for me and the site been as always a wonderful experience we’ve produced video’s podcasts loads of reviews and articles and a huge hug goes out to everyone who helped contribute this year.

We also hit some shows with the UK Games EXPO growing massively and I even made it all the why over to Essen for that crazy circus.

And of course games we’ve played hundreds and hundreds of them, which is after all why we’re in this hobby.

Coming up very soon we’re be putting out our delayed end of year podcast and then we can start thinking about 2017 and start this crazy fun ride all over again.

This is going to be a cracking year It’ll be our fourth doing this blog stuff and we have no intention of settling down and becoming in any way sensible plans are afoot for some very cool things and we hope to have you along for the ride.

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